Case Study: Equality Moonshot

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In 2018, Mary Ann Pierce, CEO of MAP Digital was invited to become a co-founder of the Equality Moonshot. This consortium—of individuals from the public and private sectors, NGOs, impact investors, technologists and government—is dedicated to procuring investments in women-run companies addressing the Alternative Energies, AgriTech, and Water Management sectors in emerging markets. The Equality Moonshot closely follows The Club of Rome’s meta-analysis to achieve sustainability by 2030, documented in “Transformation Is Feasible.”

Equality moonshot purpose: A world for all

Our Equality Moonshot trajectory is around capital and wealth to fund innovation, and to have the world’s resources owned and controlled by a balanced, diverse and representative set of people. Our aim is for women to capture at least 30% of the investments and wealth created from the estimated 25 trillion dollars that will be spent over the next two decades to achieve the SDGs.

Key impact from MAP Digital’s work with the equality moonshot

Conference content amplification to build communities of interest via social media

The Equality Moonshot founders—Dr. Mariana Bozesan, AQAL Capital and The Club of Rome, Dr. Chantal Line Carpentier, UNCTAD, Mary Ann Pierce, MAP Digital and Tess Mateo, CX Catalysts—curated and presented critical sessions from of the Fourth International Day of Women and Girls in Science (IDWIGS) at The United Nations Headquarters, New York in 2019. The conference theme was “Investment in Women and Girls in Science for Inclusive Green Growth.” MAP Digital captured the sessions live via the MetaMeetings platform. We then amplified edited thought-leadership videos from the conference via social media to encourage more women and girls globally to enter STEM and build tech solutions addressing the Sustainability Development Goals for 2016–2030.

One of the top 5 United States MBA programs’ field application project on the equality Moonshot and MetameetinGs: Spring 2019

This top 5 business school selected MAP Digital’s MetaMeetings platform as a Field Application Project in context with MAP Digital’s work with the Equality Moonshot. The MBA candidates researched how content platform technology can support social impact communities around supporting the SDGs. They explored the potential of an online platform that would disseminate an aggregate of knowledge and action items culled from SDG conferences’ content and the conferences’ speakers’ thought leadership. They also compared MetaMeetings’ functionality with other platforms to determine its efficacy in delivering impactful content.

MetaMeetings ranking & Insights from speakers’ survey

Post-conference products and services

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Which social media platform(s) do you use?

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What are your two main motivations for speaking at conferences?


Do you share conference insights/materials in your social media or with your network?
